
Dictation Guides

Recent Change
The processing standard for unused headers has been changed as of February 2023.

We now do NOT delete unused headers in Dictation Guides jobs, unless the customer requests a specific heading to be removed.

The processing standard for subject lines has been updated as of March 2023.

There's been additional clarification to specify that implied subject lines may also be added after pre-filled subject lines.

Identifying a Dictation Guides Job

Here's an example of what a Dictation Guides job will look like when you receive it in Formalizer. 

DG   Identifying 1 Jpeg  

A Dictation Guides job will be recognizable by three factors:

1. Pre-filled Text: Subject Line and Headers

The transcribing text field in Formalizer will be pre-filled.

DG   Identifying 2 Jpeg   DG   Identifying 3 Jpeg  

The Forms dropdown box will usually say "User Defined," or have some other non-standard form name that is not part of the existing Forms system.

DG   Identifying 4 Jpeg  

3. Customer Instructions Box

There will be customer instructions in red font at the top of the job that indicates the use of a pre-populated form. 

DG   Identifying 5 Jpeg  

The Components

Subject Lines

Typically, the customer will have a prefilled [3 Subject Line. If the customer dictates another subject, add the dictated subject after the existing subject. 

  • This includes implied subject lines, as well. If it sounds like an implied subject line, you may enter it after the existing subject.

Example: If "Client Meeting" was pre-filled and the customer dictates "Subject John Smith," the subject line should read:

[3Client Meeting John Smith

If a customer dictates another subject that includes the pre-filled subject line, enter any new information after the pre-filled subject line.

Example: If "Client Meeting" was pre filled and the customer dictates "John Smith Client Meeting," the subject line should read:

[3Client Meeting John Smith


The pre-filled text in the [4 field will be referred to as headers. These headers will act as a guide for the dictation to be completed. 

As a general rule, we will not change the pre-filled headers.


The corresponding information dictated by the customer to be transcribed after each header will be referred to as responses.

Dictation Guides Standards

Default Standards

The majority of the Dictation Guides jobs will be processed according to the following Standards. However, there are several exceptions to these Standards that we'll outline in a separate section below.  

  • Dictation Guides should be processed according to the normal Formalizer dictation Standards. 
  • We use the normal entry fields [3 and [4 on Dictation Guides jobs.
  • Error codes can be used as normal on Dictation Guides jobs.
  • If the customer dictates an additional subject line, add that after the pre-filled subject line.
    • This includes implied subject lines.  
  • There should be a clear line break both above and below the response. 
  • Format responses after each header. 
  • The customer should (but does not have to) re-state the pre-filled headers. They will then dictate their response for transcription. 
  • If the customer states a header similar to a pre-filled header, do not add a new header or change the pre-filled header. Place the response below the existing similar pre-filled header. 
  • If the customer does not state a header at all, use your best judgment and place the response where it seems most appropriate.
  • The customer may dictate headers out of order. Do your best to scan the page and add the response under the most appropriate header. 
  • All Dictation Guide jobs will be fixed-recipients.
  • WARNING: Reselecting the User Defined option will reset and erase the current dictation. To get around this, be sure to first highlight all text (CTRL+A) and copy (CTRL+C) the entire dictation. When you're done verifying the headers, you can paste (CTRL+V) the dictation back in.

Keep in mind these Don'ts:

  • Do NOT change the pre-filled headers.
  • Do NOT re-type the headers.
  • Do not create new paragraphs under a single header unless the customer specifically requests a new paragraph.


  • CRM Form Jobs: If you receive a Dictation Guides job but the customer requests a CRM Form, we'll change the Forms dropdown at the top of Formalizer to the requested Form that the customer dictates (Update Contact, Create Contact, etc.). 
  • Unlike a Forms job, we will use the normal [1 [2 [3 [4 system (as opposed to [a [b [c [d).
  • If by the end of the job the customer has not stated or implied any information for a given header, leave the unused header alone. Do not delete it unless asked to by the customer.  
  • If it is unclear under which header the response belongs, we will place the response under any pre-filled catchall header (such as "Notes").
    • If there is no such catchall field, place the information in a new paragraph underneath the most recent header the customer dictated. 
  • As a general rule, we will not change the pre-filled headers. However, there are two exceptions to this rule: 
    • The header contains a misspelled Common Term.
    • The header contains the misspelling of a Common English word.

Customer Instructions 

If the customer requests any of the following, we will follow their instructions rather than using the default Standards. 

  • If the customer requests single spacing, delete the extra line breaks but enter the response on a different line.
  • If the customer requests the response be on the same line, place the information on the same line as the header.
  • If the customer states a header that is not pre-filled, add a new header mirroring the capitalization and formatting used in previous headers. 
  • Do not create new paragraphs under a single header unless the customer specifically requests a new paragraph.


When you receive a Dictation Guides job, you will see the pre-populated Headers in the text field. These images show how the job will look when you first receive a Dictation Guides job and also how the job should look when you finish the job. The different components of the job are highlighted in different colors.  

Green = Subject 
Yellow = Pre-populated Headers
Purple = Your transcription ("Responses")

DG   Processing 1 Jpeg   DG   Processing 2 Jpeg

Subject Line: In this example, the customer had dictated an additional subject so that text had been added after the pre-filled subject.

Headers: This customer did not dictate any instructions to change the headers, so these headers will be the same when you finish the job as when you received the job. 

Responses: Once the customer dictates the heading, or implies the heading, you will transcribe the audio underneath the header unless otherwise instructed. There should be a full line break between each header and each response.

The Don'ts

The following examples show common mistakes that are made while processing Dictation Guides jobs.

  • Incorrect: Single space line between header and response.

DG   Processing 3 Jpeg  

  • Incorrect: Response on the same line as the Header.

DG   Processing 4 Jpeg  

See Also

Contributors to this page: Lisa R , Dylan and system .
Page last modified on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 15:49:42 EDT by Lisa R. (Version 24)