



Wealthbox is a customer relationship management (CRM) software used by many financial advisors to keep track of their clientele. Copytalk has partnered with Wealthbox to offer direct integration into their system for subscribers who opt in. This system can also be slotted into other types of CRM our customers use, as well. As such, Forms need to follow a specific syntax to properly function.

Forms have different input fields as opposed to the standard [3 and [4 fields used for a subject and text body. Forms jobs will use the [a, [b, [c, [d fields instead, and generally do not have subject lines. 

There are multiple Forms that we can process within Formalizer, and each of these Forms have unique fields that you will need to be familiar with to process the job. Once you select the correct Form from the drop-down menu, you will notice that the fields change on the right side of the screen. It is important to scribe the pertinent information in the appropriate fields. If the customer does not dictate the information (or all of the information) for a given field, that field should be left blank and should be transcribed in the catch-all field.

Identifying a Forms Job

You can identify a potential Forms job in the following ways:

  • The Form dropdown tab at the top of your screen (next to QA/Get Next Job) is usable. 
    • The customer states "Update Contact," "Create Note," or a similar two-word request at the beginning. The full range of acceptable requests will be covered below, but usually it will be an Update or Create Contact
    • The customer may also spell out a first and last name with no form instruction and no subject, and we will default to "Create Contact."
    • The customer asks to "Make a Note" or similar phrasing and does not indicate a subject line/text body. 
  • There is a form already pre-selected when you receive the job.
    • NOTE: If the form pre-selected is "User Defined" and there is pre-filled text, that is a Dictation Guides form job.
    • If a form is pre-selected, do not change the form. If the customer seems to be treating the job like a regular e-mail job, put everything in the catch-all field.
  • The Special Instructions box states that this is a Wealthbox CRM Integration, or that the job "requires a pre-populated form."  

There may be times when the job implies a Form might be needed, but it is not clear. A Form does not need to be used if:

  • The customer does not dictate a form type.
  • There is no form prepopulated or pre-selected.
  • The customer dictates a subject line and text body like a regular e-mail job. 

Form Types

The available Forms currently are:

  • Create Contact
  • Update Contact
  • Create Note
  • Create Task
  • Create Opportunity
  • Create Event
  • Create Project

Pay close attention to the F1 tab when selecting a Form, and look at the new [a, [b, [c, etc fields. You will be filling in any information in the appropriate field, similar to sorting information in a Dictation Guide job. There will also be a catch-all field (usually [d) that will serve as your "text body," similar to the [4 field. This field will contain all other information that can't be categorized into the other fields. 

The most common form type you will come across is Create Contact and Update Contact. The customer will be expected to spell out a name in full, first and last name (and sometimes middle name,) and you will fill in the name and the rest of the text to the corresponding fields.

While some Form jobs may come in with the predefined fields for that specific Form type, you will also receive Forms jobs that do not have the specific fields. You will need to select the appropriate Form from the drop-down menu at the top of Formalizer, then the fields will change to match that Form.
Forms 1

You can see in this example that the fields have changed in the right side of Formalizer. Use the associated entry field to input the corresponding information that's being dictated.
Forms 2

Field Guidelines

There are several fields in different Form types that have their own special rules. Generally, if there is invalid information or formatting applied to these fields, Formalizer will not let you send the job, so always make sure you are following the formatting correctly. 

Only enter information into a field that is specified by the customer, or implied clearly enough that there could be no misunderstanding of what field it belongs to. All other information should be placed into the catch-all "Description" or "Note" field. In general, outside of the catch-all field that holds most of the main text and details, treat all of the other Fields with the same significance as you would a subject line. This means that if you have any bookmarks or other processing errors with these fields, you should send the job to QA.

  • Each field type needs to be either specified outright or heavily implied.
  • Do not add extra punctuation, other than what is required by the field type. 

There will be times where you will have to use your best judgement on whether the customer was specifying information for a specific Field or not. If a Field is not explicitly stated and you cannot determine if it is implied or not, just leave the text in the catch-all verbatim and do not use the field. 

Make sure all the applicable fields are used. Sometimes there are extra fields under the big catch-all field that are easy to miss when viewing the F1 tab.  

The Don'ts

For Forms jobs:

  • Do not use error codes in a Form.
    • If you suspect a Forms job might need an error code, contact an OS for assistance.
  • Do not select a Form just because it is available. If a Form is not selected by default and the customer dictates like it's a regular e-mail job (subject line, text, etc.), leave it unselected and scribe the job as a regular e-mail job.
    • Example: "Meeting With Jessica Fletcher. I completed a fact finder with Jessica Fletcher in Cabot Cove..."
  • Do not use bookmarks in any field apart from the catch-all field. If something is unclear, scribe it out verbatim in the catch-all field.
  • Do not use commas or dollar signs in the amount field. Only numbers and decimals can be used.
  • Do not transcribe more than one name in a contact field. If more than one name is given, place both names verbatim in the catch-all field and do not use the name fields.

The Fields

Each type of Form will have a specific set of entry fields that should be used. If the customer did not provide the necessary information to complete any of the fields, leave that entry field blank.

Create Contact & Update Contact
These are the most common Forms job that you will receive. Both of these Forms have the same entry fields and choosing the correct Form is based on whether the customer dictates "Create Contact" or "Update Contact".

[a - First Name
[b - Middle Name
[c - Last Name
[d - Note (AKA "Catch-All field")

Create Note
This Forms type is very straightforward. You will process majority of the audio in the catch-all field and insert the Contact Name if dictated.

[a - Note (AKA "Catch-All field")
[b - Contact Name

Create Task
These Forms are a bit more complex, but are not as common as the Create/Update Contact.

[a - Task Name
[b - Contact Name
[c - Description (AKA "Catch-All field")
[d - Due Date
[e - Priority

Create Opportunity
These Forms are not very common but when they do come in, there is a lot of information that you will need to determine the appropriate fields for. You should reference the CRM Processing Document to ensure that the numerical formatting is correct in the [c through [f fields.

[a - Name
[b - Description (AKA "Catch-All field")
[c - Target Close Date
[d - Target Close Time
[e - Probability
[f - Amount

Create Event
Similar to the Opportunity Forms, these Forms will require you to determine what the most appropriate field to transcribe the text is.

[a - Event Name
[b - Contact Name
[c - Start Time
[d - End Time
[e - Start Date
[f - Location
[g - Description (AKA "Catch-All field")

Create Project
These Forms are similar to the Create Note Forms and only require two fields, the name and the catch-all field.

[a - Name
[b - Description (AKA "Catch-All field")

Details on Field Content

Handling Names

Customers will be expected to spell out the full names of contacts they are using for their Forms jobs so that we can ensure that the information is being entered properly. Pay close attention to whether or not they use a middle name, and that all the names are in their corresponding fields. A common mix-up is having the last name put in the middle name field when the customer does not give us a middle name! 

If you have trouble hearing how the names are spelled, do not use any bookmarks (Garb, NSO, etc) in the name fields. Read below in the Handling Bookmarks section to learn what to do when there is uncertainty of any information in any field other than the catch-all field

If a customer gives you two first names, but one last name (or the same last name for both), include both first names in the First Name field and the singular last name in the Last Name field.

[aLisa And Isaac

If a customer gives you two first names and two different last names, leave both the First Name and Last Name fields blank and scribe the names verbatim in the catch-all field instead. 

[cTom Anderson and Sally Richards

The Create Task, Create Opportunity, Create Project, and Create Event types also have "name" fields. Treat these name fields like you would a subject line, with all of the same Standards that apply. 

Catch-All Field

This is the field where "everything else" goes, similar to the [4 text field in a regular e-mail job.

This includes any "subject" line that is dictated in a Create Contact, Update Contact, or Create Note Form. 

Information from other fields may be duplicated into this field as well, including information that needs to be bookmarked. 

Due Dates

Only use the Due Date field if a specific due date for a task is given. This is not the date the dictation or meeting occurred. 

The date provided should be a full date, and scribed in MM/DD/YYYY format (though leading zeroes are not required). If they only give a month and a day, you can assume it is the next possible date for the year. 

Date Examples
Example: Today is August 11th, 2022. They state the due date is January 11th. You can assume the year "2023" is the due date: 1/11/2023.

Example: Today is August 11th, 2022. They state the due date is October 11th. You can assume the year "2022" is the due date: 10/11/2022.

If the date is too vague or imprecise to scribe in numerical form, leave the Due Date field blank and scribe the information verbatim in the catch-all field.

Date Examples
Example: The customer says "due date is third quarter 2022." We don't use the Due Date field, and instead scribe "Due date is third quarter 2022" in the catch-all.  


The Time field should be formatted as XX:XX AM or XX:XX PM.

If AM/PM is implied, or they use military time, convert it to XX:XX AM/PM format.

Similar to dates, if the time is too vague to discern a specific number and time of day, leave the Time field blank and scribe verbatim in the catch-all field.

Time Examples
Example: The customer states the time as "7:00 in the evening." You can assume the time is "7:00pm" for the Time field.

Example: The customer states the time as "7:00." Since they didn't specify AM or PM, and it could be either one, leave the Time field blank and place it it in the catch-all field instead. 


The Priority field should have only one of four options: High, Medium, Low, or left blank.

You can choose a priority based off the customer's implication, as well, such as if they imply the task is very urgent ("High" priority), or if it's less than urgent ("Medium" priority.) "Low" priority should only be used when specified.


The Probability field can only have numbers 0 to 100. Do not include the percent sign. Round any fractions to the nearest percentage whole number (i.e. "2/3" to "67"). If no number value is given or they give just a vague amount (like "probably",) leave the field blank and instead scribe it verbatim in the catch-all field.

Fraction Percent
1/8 13%
1/7 14%
1/6 17%
1/5 20%
1/4 25%
2/7 29%
1/3 33%
3/8 38%
2/5 40%
3/7 43%
1/2 50%
Fraction Percent
4/7 57%
3/5 60%
5/8 63%
2/3 67%
5/7 71%
3/4 75%
4/5 80%
5/6 83%
6/7 86%
7/8 88%


The Amount field is a monetary amount that can only have numbers and decimals in it. Do not use dollar signs or commas for this field. 

Amount Examples
Example: The customer states amount as "$100,000." This would be scribed in the Amount field as "100000" without any commas or dollar sign.

Example: The customer states amount as "$5.1M". This would be scribed in the Amount field as "5100000" without any commas or dollar sign.


The Location field could be a city, building, or other type of place where the event being discussed is held. The location should also be duplicated verbatim in the catch-all field. 

Handling Bookmarks in a Forms Job

There will inevitably be times where there are problems trying to transcribe information that belongs in a Field, particularly for tricky name spellings.

Do not use any bookmarks in a Field other than the catch-all field. Instead, if there is a questionable area that needs bookmarked in a Field, take your best guess, and then copy the information verbatim into the catch-all field and use the bookmark there instead. 

Bookmark Examples
The customer states: "First name is Don, D-O-M." You are uncertain if it's "Dom" or "Don." Leave your best guess in the Name field and do not bookmark. Scribe the name verbatim in the catch-all field and then use your NSO bookmark. 

The customer states a due date, but the signal cuts out and obscures the date. Leave the due date field blank, and scribe verbatim the "due date" and the LSI bookmark in the catch-all field

It's important that field information is accurate so that the information integrates with the customer's CRM software properly. Treat any bookmarked information in Fields as you would a subject line, and send the job to QA. 

Common Problems and Pitfalls

Changing a Form

Changing between a Form to E-Mail type job will erase everything that has been already scribed. Formalizer will usually warn you that this will happen.

  • Always select all (Ctrl + A) and copy (Ctrl + C) or cut (Ctrl + X) before changing a Form to ensure you do not lose your work. Paste (Ctrl + V) the work back in once you have changed the form or job type, and then change the fields appropriately.
  • Do not tab out while doing this! Formalizer will delete anything left in the clipboard when tabbing to another window, and you will lose your work.
  • QAs should be extra mindful of this if they end up needing to switch the job type.


This area covers some miscellaneous common gray areas or problems that occur when handling Forms jobs.

  • Some prepopulated forms could come with invalid information (such as a date of "Today," where the form only accepts a date in MM/DD/YYYY format). This will create an error when trying to send the job. Message an OS when this occurs, so that it can be handled on a case-by-case basis.
  • Some forms will leave the [3 Subject and [4 Text forms available at the top. Leave these fields blank.
  • Some incorrectly used entry fields will cause Formalizer to crash if you try to send the job. Make sure all fields that are used are filled out properly by cross referencing the F1 tab. 


See Also

Contributors to this page: Lisa R , kagnelli and system .
Page last modified on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 12:51:51 EDT by Lisa R. (Version 68)