
Contact Information

Copytalk Business Services Contact Information

The office which you work out of should be your first point of contact.

Please contact your office for scheduling, pay, training, and most concerns.

Each office has more information that can be found on these individual pages:

You may have other reasons for getting in touch with the company.

  • If you are interested in joining the editorial or content team for our newsletter, the Copytalk Courier, contact courier at copytalk.com
  • If you are a custom scribe, and your request relates to custom (including not finishing a job by its due date), contact customoffice at copytalk.com
  • The senior operations management team, including each location's Operations Manager, can be reached at om at copytalk.com
  • If you have a specific concern, complaint, issue, problem, or question that cannot be resolved at your local office, or you simply feel most comfortable escalating your concern, contact the Copytalk Director of Operations at john.lubeski at copytalk.com. You can schedule a meeting as well by visiting this link.

Open Door & Open Desk Policy

Please feel free to come to us with any issue you may have. We believe in honest, transparent communication, and a work environment free from harassment.

See Also

Contributors to this page: Lisa R , kagnelli and jlubeski .
Page last modified on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 10:01:16 EST by Lisa R. (Version 12)