
Setting Up Psi

Add Your Account (if it exists already, skip to next step)

Psi -> Account Setup


3 Steps to Add, Name, then finalize the Add of your account to the Psi client.


This brings open the Modify Account screen.

If you already have an account, you can go to Psi -> Account Setup, find your account, then click Modify.


Your XMPP address will follow the above format - ath.(first initial)(last name)@jabber.copytalk.com

Enter your default password, then hit Save.

Changing Your Password

Go back to Psi. Find your account in the roster. Right-click -> Status -> Online.


Once you are logged in, go back to Psi -> Account Setup -> Modify account.

Find your account in the list and hit Change password.

Ensure Password is NOT Saved.

After you change your password, DELETE your password from the list (otherwise, anyone using your station will be able to sign on as you — not good :-)

You are now set to use Psi.

Other Settings You Will Want To Ensure Are Set

  • Enable popups for incoming messages
  • Ensure sounds are set appropriately (set sounds for all but three types of events)
  • Please refrain from changing any other setting

Psi -> Options



Contributors to this page: Lisa R and Dylan .
Page last modified on Thursday, November 3, 2022 10:21:49 EDT by Lisa R. (Version 7)