
Refresher for Returning Custom Scribes

The concept behind the refresher is exactly that: Refresh scribes on Custom standards and workflow after a period of time not getting Custom work. A likely scenario would be around the December-January holidays when low amounts of Custom work are coming in, or perhaps the scribe has been on standby from Custom, or took a leave of absence and is coming back after extended time off. Either way, if the scribe hasn't had any Custom work in about a month, consider them needing refreshing.

Note this is different than actively being on Custom and just not meeting stat requirements. That would necessitate normal follow-up/review style. The refresher is specifically for the people who just need to practice Custom due to being out of the routein.

The refresher should include some recycled jobs, preferably spanning a wide range of topics and job types. For Surge scribes, any of the SyncWords work will do (pick from Pattan, Buzzr, Goog, VMware, whatever is available in the two-week lookback in CTS), but for FC, a mix of SyncWords and Vitac work would be appropriate. A mix of instructions and ref sheets would be helpful to get the scribe back in the habit of checking the various instructions.

On top of getting QA feedback, the refresher should include a brief GTM meeting. This could be done in batches. Scribes should be reminded that they should get back in the swing of checking VFMZ when they first log in.


Amy created these questions for use with the Refresher crossword puzzle: https://www.puzzle-maker.com/CW

you know / two-word filler phrase that should be offset with commas
like / word that is sometimes a filler and sometimes not
double chevron / what are these? >>
inside / periods and commas go ___ quotation marks
spell out / numbers to begin a sentence
reference sheet / RS is short for what?
Merriam Webster / What is our primary dictionary?
ellipsis / What punctuation do you use in a self-interruption
font / F11 and F12 change ___ size in text window
playback gap / F3 and F3 control
profanity / ddd is the marker for what?
chh / Used when multiple speakers are all talking over each other and you cannot decipher anything that is being said
paragraph / typing in a block of text is called ___ format
nonfluencies / stutters and words such as "uh" and "um" are

FLASHCARD QUESTIONS: Brainscape: The Best Flashcards App | Make Flashcards Online www.brainscape.com
We could also use these same questions as a bingo game, where the bingo "callout" is the question, and the scribes have to know the answer in order to get the bingo square. https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator

Expedited jobs are due by what time on the given date? 3:00pm EST
What button do you press to claim or continue your job and officially start your time "on the clock"? Dock
What button saves your work and closes your job? Close docking
If your job has only one speaker, are you responsible for creating paragraph breaks, similar to FMZ? No
With the dash speaker ID, is space or no space after the dash the default setting? space
How do you mark inaudible dialogue? idd, which expands to indistinct
How do you mark a sound effect censoring profanity or a name? xxi, which expands into [BLEEP]
When do you put show titles in quotation marks? when the show is being directly referenced as a show
How do you punctuate a direct address? Place commas before and after the noun
Would you use numerals or figures for a compound fraction? Numerals
Time, distance, ages, and volumetric amounts are examples of? units of measurement
When does Custom use the percent sign? Never
What is the abbreviation for millions and billions? None - spell out
"Honda CR-V" instead of "Honda CRV" is an example of what? Special content

Contributors to this page: Dylan , ayoder and cchaires .
Page last modified on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 11:14:30 EST by Dylan. (Version 6)