While working in Video Formalizer, you have access to a few hotkeys in addition to the normal suite of text editing hotkeys that come with Windows. Below is a reference of the most useful.
Video Formalizer Hotkeys
Ctrl F1 - Opens F1.Queue tab.
Ctrl F2 - Opens F2.Markers tab.
Ctrl F3 - Opens F3.Macros tab.
Ctrl M - Opens F3.Macros tab. (Ctrl M again to place cursor in Macro box.)
Ctrl F - Opens search dialogue.
Ctrl G - Tap forward without play.
Ctrl N - Goes to Name marker.
Ctrl 0 - Places cursor in transcription text box.
F3 - Lengthen the playback gap when the foot pedal is pressed
F4 - Shorten the playback gap when the foot pedal is pressed
F8 - Shrink vertical image
F9 - Lengthen vertical image
F11 - Decreases text size.
F12 - Increases text size.
Ctrl R - Leaves a comment at the current spot in the video. This will open the corrections tab. Be sure to select the "comment" type before leaving a comment, or the comment will be marked as an error.
Number Pad
The following shortcuts use the number pad:
Ctrl + - Speeds up playback. Can be repeated.
Ctrl - - Slows down playback. Can be repeated.
Ctrl * - Resets playback speed to normal.
Ctrl 1 (or Ctrl Q) - Tap back and play
Ctrl 2 (or Ctrl P if playing) - Stop playback
Ctrl 3 (or Ctrl P if stopped) - Start playback
Ctrl 4 (or Ctrl W) - Tap forward and play
Directional Shortcuts
Ctrl Left/Right - Move cursor whole words
Ctrl Up/Down - Move window view up/down one line without moving cursor
Ctrl Home - Move cursor to top
Ctrl End - Move cursor to bottom
The following shortcuts are useful when running spellcheck at the end of a job.
Ctrl S - Open Spellcheck
Ctrl H - Change
Ctrl I - Ignore
Ctrl A - Change All (must hit twice)
Ctrl G - Ignore All
Ctrl D - Add to Spellcheck library
Esc - Exit Spellcheck
Windows and Other
Ctrl C - Copy
Ctrl X - Cut
Ctrl V - Paste
Ctrl Z - Undo
Ctrl N - Open new windows
Ctrl T - Open new tabs
Windows key M - Hide windows
Alt Tab - Switch between windows
(NOTE: If you need to move through multiple windows, hold Alt and keep pressing Tab. Release when the window you want is highlighted.)
In Chrome, Ctrl Tab navigates through tabs, and Ctrl E puts cursor in URL bar for a quick search.
In Chrome, Alt left or right will move backwards or forwards in tab history.
In Video Formalizer, Alt Ctrl Shift up or down capitalizes or decapitalizes words.