
Corrections and Error Types

When you receive a job for self-review, any errors made in your transcription will be marked as a correction and labeled with a specific error type.

There are several error types in Video Formalizer. It's important to label corrections properly so that quality statistics are accurate. If you feel a correction has been incorrectly labeled or marked, please dispute the correction and notify a Custom Shift Lead.



Accuracy corrections count towards Accuracy Corrections Per Hour (ACPH).

Note: Discrepancies concerning shortenings and stutters should not be marked as Accuracy. Do not mark as Accuracy if the difference between the pre-text and post-text is only one or two characters. Similarly, do not mark as Accuracy if the difference is concerning a shortening or stutter. Mark as either a Shortening, Stutter/Nonfluency, Typo or Standard, depending on the nature of the mistake.

For example:

  • Typing versus typin' (Shortening)
  • Going to versus gonna (Shortening)
  • "I don't know" versus "I — I don't know" (Stutter/Nonfluency)

Any of the following would count as one instance of an Accuracy error:

  • Incorrect dialogue and/or sound effects. The scribe misheard what was said or inaccurately described a sound effect in a job where sound markers are requested.
  • The scribe left an [Indistinct] or [?] marker that you were able to clearly discern.
  • Scribe made typos that clearly change the meaning of a sentence.

Accuracy errors DO NOT include instances when:

  • The scribe failed to change speakers when required. (Standard).
  • Scribe left out dialogue that is not a stutter or nonfluency. (Omission). If the omitted dialogue is a stutter or nonfluency, mark as Stutter/Nonfluency.
  • Scribe failed to identify a speaker (Standard).
  • Scribe added dialogue that was not spoken (Insertion).
  • Scribe made a typo that does not affect the meaning of the sentence (Typo).
  • Nonsensical guess of a term found in a Reference Sheet (Special Content).
  • Do not mark accuracy corrections that require more than three listens to discern.

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Omission corrections count towards Accuracy Corrections Per Hour (ACPH).

Any one of the following would count as one instance of an omission error:

  • Missing dialogue. Scribe failed to transcribe words that were clearly audible. If the omitted dialogue is a stutter or nonfluency, mark as Stutter/Nonfluency.
  • Missing sound markers in a job where sound markers were requested.

Omission errors DO NOT include instances when:

  • Scribe transcribed foreign dialogue but did not include a marker (Standards).
  • Scribe left [?] instead of [Indistinct] or other incorrect content markers (Standards; Report this to a CSL for immediate scribe follow-up.)
  • Scribe failed to capture stuttering or a non-fluency when required (Stutter/Nonfluency).

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Special Content

Special Content corrections count towards Accuracy Corrections Per Hour (ACPH).

The umbrella of errors that can fall under Special Content can be wide. Use these general rules of thumb to determine if a scribe has made a Special Content error:

Generally speaking, specific or esoteric proper nouns are probably considered Special Content.
Example: Terry Gilliam directed "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus."

  • Misspelling any part of the bold items would be considered a Special Content error. However failing to put the movie title in quotation marks would be a Core Punctuation error. Failing to capitalize the director's first or last name would be a Core Punctuation error.
  • Brand names that are misspelled or stylized incorrectly.
  • Common words or proper nouns found in the Reference Sheets that are misspelled or stylized incorrectly.
  • Any nonsensical guesses of terms found in the Reference Sheet.
  • Any nonsensical guesses of Special Content terms found easily through your own research.
  • Scribe misspelled any name appearing onscreen that was not in a Reference Sheet.
  • Scribe failed to punctuate a catchphrase according to Reference Sheet instructions. A comment should be left as well in this instance.
  • Scribe marked as [Indistinct] terms found in a Reference Sheet.
  • Scribe marked as [Indistinct] a Special Content term you were able to resolve by researching.

Special Content errors DO NOT include instances where:

  • Scribe failed to capitalize the initial letter of a proper noun (Core Punctuation).
  • Scribe failed to wrap name of a work of art in quotation marks (Core Punctuation).
  • Scribe failed to mark a sound in a Reference Sheet (Omission).
  • Scribe failed to utilize a sound marker as detailed in a Reference Sheet (Accuracy).
  • Scribe marked as [Indistinct] a non-Special Content term you were able to resolve by researching (Accuracy).
  • Any job that has multiple instances of either of these kinds of errors should be reported to a CSL for immediate follow-up with the scribe.

The following DO NOT count towards Accuracy Corrections Per Hour but count towards Total Corrections Per Hour.

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Core Punctuation

Note: Use more specific error types when available. For example: Direct Address, Non-essential/Intro Clause, etc. should be used where appropriate.

Any one the following would count as one instance of a Core Punctuation error:

  • Scribe failed to apply grammar/punctuation/numerical rules listed in the Custom Punctuation Standards document.
  • Capitalization errors, including failure to capitalize the initial letter of proper nouns.
  • Scribe failed to wrap the name of a work of art, movie, etc. in quotation marks per the rules in the Custom Punctuation Standards document.
  • Scribe failed to properly punctuate a question.

The following DO NOT count as Core Punctuation errors:

  • Capitalization error on Special Content that is not initial caps or putting initial capitalization on Special Content that stylized as initial lowercase [Example: Iphone instead of iPhone] (Special Content).
  • Failure to add a dash or insertion of dash in Special Content that is stylized otherwise (Special Content).
  • Punctuation errors not found in the Custom Punctuation Standards document. (Any such error should not be marked. If you believe a punctuation error which changes the meaning of a sentence has occurred, alert a CSL.).

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Direct Address

Scribe did not wrap or offset a noun addressed directly with commas.

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Any omission or insertion pertaining to stutters or nonfluencies. Be sure to consult the job type and reference sheet on whether stutters or nonfluencies are required.

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Any accuracy issue pertaining to a shortening. Be sure to consult the job type and/or reference sheet on how shortenings are to be transcribed.

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Any misspelled word that is the result of two or more words sounding the same when spoken aloud, but spelled differently, eg. it's/its, to/too/two, hours/ours, etc.

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Non-essential/Intro Clause

When a non-essential or introductory clause requires commas which are omitted, utilize this error type.

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Any misspelling that would not be considered a Special Content or Homophone error.

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Any typos.

Note: The difference between typos and accuracy errors can be difficult to ascertain. Use your best judgment to determine whether you think an error should be accuracy or typo. Use the rule of thumb that if the error changes the meaning of a sentence, it is an accuracy error.

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Any one the following would count as one instance of an insertion error:

  • Added dialogue and/or sound effects.
  • Scribe transcribed words or sound effects that were not in the file.
  • Scribe incorrectly made a speaker change when there wasn't one.

Insertion errors DO NOT include instances when:

  • Scribe made a typo that caused an expanded macro to be left in the middle of a word (Accuracy).
  • Scribe marked every instance of a sound effect that was not used thematically and could have been scribed with one marker (A comment should be logged and no correction marked).

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Any violation of standards found in the Custom Fundamentals document or errors in proper formatting according to the job type. A job with more than three instances of incorrect formatting according to job type should be reported to a CSL.

If a scribe has incorrectly formatted an entire job according to the Job Types document or a Reference Sheet, mark the first three instances as Standards and alert a CSL.

If a scribe has incorrectly formatted a small portion of a job according to the Job Types document or a reference sheet, mark each instance, up to three, as a Standards error.

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Contributors to this page: Dylan and chansen .
Page last modified on Thursday, June 23, 2022 14:07:05 EDT by Dylan. (Version 8)