
Capitalization - Special

Always check your reference sheet first if to verify whether special content is capitalized.


Units of Measurement

Unless instructed otherwise by a Reference Sheet, units of measurement are transcribed in lower case.


  • The Empire State Building is 1,250 feet tall, weighs 365,000 tons and was built over 90 years ago.

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Planets, Galaxies and Other Astrological Bodies

Capitalize the names of all astrological bodies. Only capitalize "earth" when it refers to the planet.


  • The witch cat flew all the way from the Crab Nebula back to the Milky Way, heading to Earth.
  • The witch cat picked up a wet clump of earth and chucked the muddy missile at me.
  • "Hey, you! Come back to Earth," the angry man shouted.
  • We should head back to port before the Sun goes down. I don't think the Moon is out tonight. (Note: Both terms are capitalized when specifically referring to the literal Sun and Moon that are associated with our solar system.)
  • That's no moon. (Note that "moon" is lowercase when referring to a general common noun)
  • Do some planets really have two suns? (Note that "sun" is lowercase when referring to general plural noun)
  • What on earth was George Lucas thinking? (Note that "earth" is lowercase when using this idiomatic phrase or similar)

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All seasons and derivatives are lowercase unless a part of a formal name.


  • Last spring was when the witch cat came to our house.
  • It was seven summers ago.
  • The witch cat loved going to the Dartmouth Winter Carnival.

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Cardinal Directions vs Official Regions

Cardinal directions are generally lowercase. However, many official regions can be considered proper nouns.


  • Our cabin is 50 miles north of New Paltz.
  • You can only find cooking like this in the South.
  • If you keep heading northwest, you'll eventually find the Pacific Northwest.

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Currencies are generally not proper nouns and are not capitalized.


  • British pound sterling
  • US dollar
  • Mexican peso
  • Japanese yen
  • Indian rupee

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The League

Common noun equivalents of proper nouns should not be capitalized.


  • Barry Sanders is the best the league has ever seen.
  • Barry Sanders is the best the National Football League has ever seen.

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Title as Name

Titles used in place of names are proper nouns and should be capitalized.


  • Hello, Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Chief, Sheriff, Doctor, et cetera.

Note: Sir and ma'am are not considered proper nouns but general terms and wouldn't be capitalized (excepting a royal title like Sir Ian McKellan)

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Contributors to this page: Dylan , cchaires and chansen .
Page last modified on Thursday, June 9, 2022 09:31:57 EDT by Dylan. (Version 8)