
Block Mode - Telemeet

Block Mode

The Telemeet job type requires timestamps and speaker identification using Block ModeBlock Mode will be initiated automatically when you dock a Telemeet job. A pop-up box will appear with a preloaded speaker list. From here you can make notes about speakers to help you keep up with them and even create speakers if missing from the list. 

The first block is created for you at timestamp 0:00:00.000. If the first speaker begins speaking more or less from the beginning, you may use this block. If there is silence for some time before the first speaker begins, please create a new block and delete the first block so that the timestamp for first speaker is more accurate.

After the first speaker, create a new block whenever a new speaker begins by pressing Ctrl+Enter. Assign a speaker to the block from the list above the text box. The text will disappear from the text box, and you have a fresh new block. Blocks will appear in the Block Mode tab with timestamps. From here you can open blocks up to edit text or reassign the speakers. If you need to create a block at an earlier timestamp, the new block will appear at the bottom of the block list out of chronological order. Click Reorder by timestamp to sort.

Be extra careful to ensure that timestamps are generally accurate and speakers are correctly assigned. Timestamps do not have to be absolutely precise, especially where there is quick back-and-forth between speakers. Prioritize creating timestamps for each speaker in chronological order reasonably close to when they begin speaking.

If multiple people are speaking on the same speaker label (for example, sitting together in a room on a call), transcribe both people on same block under same speaker label as though they were one speaker. 

If there is at least a minute of silence between speech by the same speaker with no change of speaker, create a new block when same speaker resumes, assigned to same speaker. For example, the speaker pauses, gets distracted or is waiting for something, then resumes speaking without interruption.

Do not add speakers. Only use speakers provided. If a speaker is not listed, do not assign speakers to their blocks.

Ctrl+I jumps to speaker selection. 

Find/Replace function only looks at current block.


Please refer to and apply Formalizer standards:


Please only use Custom-specific bookmarks:


Omit fillers, non-fluencies and stuttering.

Use -- (double dash) with space on either side for interruptions or change of thought. When one speaker interrupts another mid-sentence, leave double dash at end and create a new block. If the first speaker then finishes their sentence afterwards, start with double dash and continue.


So like I was saying --
[[[[[[[new block] How do I create a new block again?
[[[[[[[new block] -- the hotkey to create a new block is Control plus Enter.

Omit one-word responses (yeah, yes, nah, no, mm-hmm, uh-huh, exactly, etc.) while another person is speaking - background acknowledgement, agreement, etc., that isn't acknowledged or contributing to conversation.

Exception: Use best judgment to include one-word responses where contextually relevant and expected. For example, interrupting or answering a question "yes" or "no" while another person is speaking, particularly if there is a pause in the interruption.

Contributors to this page: Dylan .
Page last modified on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 06:34:27 EDT by Dylan. (Version 4)