
Bloom, Bloomberg

Bloom jobs come from the company called Bloomberg. Very often, these jobs will arrive as audio only with no video file. Therefore, the job will appear to have a blank screen, but the audio can still be previewed using the foot pedal. These jobs will typically arrive as one of two varieties.

1. The standard variety is generally a Questioner (labeled as Q) and a Participant (labeled as P1 if there's only one, though P2, P3, P4 etc, can be used for additional participants). The Questioner asks the Participant a series of questions, usually about their experience with various types of Bloomberg software. The standard variety of Bloom jobs generally won't require any extra formatting than what is listed on the job requirements: 

Bloom Markers 1

2. The museum variety of Bloom jobs, however, do require some special formatting. In the museum variety of Bloom jobs, the Questioner is a Bloomberg representative asking questions in a museum setting. The Participants are visitors to the museum, and they have been asked to test a Bloomberg-powered app and give their feedback on it. 

Bloom Markers 2  
Please DO use discretionary paragraph breaks for a single speaker if there is a long pause or a dramatic change of thought. Don't overdo this though. A new ID isn't needed since it's the same speaker, but we can now go to the next line under these conditions. Please let a CSL know if you have questions.

Line Formatting:

  • Paragraph

Speaker ID: 

  • Identify Questioner as Q:
  • Participants as P1, P2, P3:
  • DO use a space after the colon.


  • Yes, do use fillers (Fillers are defined as: I mean, like, you know)
  • False starts and stutters can be omitted unless they are vital to the context.  


Visual Guide: Here's a screenshot of how this job formatting should look in VFMZ.  

Bloomberg Screenshot 1  


Contributors to this page: cchaires .
Page last modified on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 17:35:21 EST by cchaires. (Version 14)